Swiss Council
What is the Swiss Council?
The Swiss Council (SC) is a governing DAO which currently comprises 8 members who are elected (see Elections) for the duration of an epoch by community staking participants. Established via XIP 12, the SC is responsible for conducting XIP/XCCP interviews, debating the implications of proposed changes, coordinating protocol changes with the protocol DAO and hosting periodic community governance meetings in order to best represent and protect the wider xSynth stakeholders.
The SC, like other DAO roles, are paid a stipend by the xSynth DAO and conduct their duties on the relevant discord governance channels and utilises snapshot IPFS signature voting on the staking governance site.
Swiss Council members vote on xSynth Improvement Proposals (XIP) and xSynth Configuration Change Proposal (XCCP).
XCCPs describe changes to configurable values of existing smart contracts, whereas XIPs describe changes like deploying new smart contracts or meta-governance processes like changes to the governance process.
The Swiss Council members also hold the signing keys for a multi-sig Gnosis safe, which contains the security bonds of all pDAO members. The Swiss Council can slash a pDAO member's security bond if they act maliciously or bypass legitimate governance processes.
Besides the tasks mentioned above, Swiss Council members usually pursue different protocol-related activities based on their proficiency, like extended security research and testing or community engagement and communication.
Election & Members
Election Process:
xSynth Stakers are assigned a percentage of debt ownership in proportion to their amount of XSYN staked, and their voting power is quadratically weighted. Voting is done through the fully on-chain xSynth Governance Module.
View the most up-to-date election results on the snapshot.
Last updated